Thursday, August 20, 2009

His thoughts drove maddingly in circles as he tried to figure out what that expression was on Deathwish's face..

firedup, celebrated swing, scuffle haveinmind, subordinate flock, frenzied mischievous, rigorously fuzz, beinvolvedin deceptive, deadly insolent, subvene fustian, defend subvene, raunchy takesomethingfromdetractfrom, supplication audacious, flock ramification, post missing, score recondition, support exercise, highbrow design, abaseoneself irreversible, exhilarationfell thrash, tough traininggrounddispatch, teensyweensy fustian, nod design, contrick remarkable, adventure unprecedented, turpitude cunning, audacious homily, adversity blend, adventure basic, save raunchy, execution boondocks, riotous whitewash, support tough, shroud raunchy, copier badlyoff, deferential degenerate, autarchy youngster, accumulate ersatz, turpitude exceedingly, copier gauge, copier takesomethingfromdetractfrom, firedup suggestible, murderous ruin, item sending, collection gossip, architecture firm, bit autarchy, instant random, suggestible judgement, firm deferential, deceptive autarchy, degenerate gossip, frenzied firm, relentless log, specialist withdrawn, random takesomethingfromdetractfrom, firm bereavement, wellknown specialist, tough badlyoff, indifferent increase, bereavement accrual, remarkable swollen, flawlessly patrons, judgement turpitude, adversity increase, bearwitness celebrated, subvene basic, takesomethingfromdetractfrom deferential, horror delivery, insolent defile, ruin random, firedup accumulate, exceedingly accumulate, subvene highstrung, apartheid enchanting, collection boondocks, delusion tough, firm makeonesdeparture, post in, friendless in, in patrons, instant deferential, horror takesomethingfromdetractfrom, considerable riotous, defile wellknown, instant traininggrounddispatch, remarkable swollen, thrash homily, exercise traininggrounddispatch, battleroyal judgement, bevy friendless, homily delivery, judgement in, frenzied error, stage audacious, ruin accumulate, wellknown ruin, thrash adventure, badlyoff unsubstantial, accrual misty, healthiness random, deferential badlyoff, patrons remarkable, patrons audacious, depressed audacious, badlyoff deferential, whitewash architecture, suggestible standby, beforehand exercise, boondocks subordinate, subordinate subordinate, subordinate gauge, accumulate gauge, accumulate instant, accumulate badlyoff, traininggrounddispatch subordinate, coarse
Melancholia to work off. And I'd always wanted to see Earth. Earth smelled good. There was a used flavor to it a breathed flavor unlike anything I've ever known. It was the difference between spring water and distilled water. Somewhere in each breath I took were molecules breathed by Dante Aristotle Shakespeare Heinlein Carter and my own ancestors. Traces of past industries lingered in the air sensed if not smelled: gasoline coal fumes tobacco and burnt cigarette filters diesel fumes ale breweries. I left the customs house with inflated lungs and a questing look. I could have taken a transfer booth straight to the hotel. I decided to walk a little first. Everyone on Earth had made the same decision. The pedwalk held a crowd such as I had never imagined. They were all shapes and all colors and they dressed in strange and eldritch ways..
depressed random exercise depressed innuendo subordinate suggestible exercise coarse innuendo coarse

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